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Formation Food defense

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Formation Food defense Formation Food defense. 1. OBJECTIFS ▫ MIEUX IDENTIFIER LES DANGERS ET LES EXIGENCES LIES AUX ACTES DE MALVEILLANCE ▫ APPREHENDER LES BONNES PRATIQUES DE … …
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formation food defense ppt

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about formation food defense ppt Combined Effect: Enhancing Food Defense Strategies through Integration of Food Safety Practices at the State and Local Level. Food Defense at the Retail … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for formation food defense ppt Combined Effect: Enhancing Food Defense Strategies through Integration of Food Safety Practices at the State and Local Level. Food Defense at the Retail …
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formation food defense ppt
formation food defense ppt

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PPT – Developing Food Defense Plans PowerPoint Presentation, free download – ID:802382

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about PPT – Developing Food Defense Plans PowerPoint Presentation, free download – ID:802382 Objectives. By the end of this workshop, you will be able toDefine food defenseUnderstand why food defense is importantDevelop your own food … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for PPT – Developing Food Defense Plans PowerPoint Presentation, free download – ID:802382 Objectives. By the end of this workshop, you will be able toDefine food defenseUnderstand why food defense is importantDevelop your own food … Objectives. By the end of this workshop, you will be able toDefine food defenseUnderstand why food defense is importantDevelop your own food defense plan . 2. What Is Food Defense?. Food defense is not food safety.Food safety addresses predictable and unintentional risks. Food safety is best ad… strategic management , defense information systems agency , disa , body cavity , development , fortification , egg , yolk , b-47 stratojet , cook , develop , strategic planning , reaction formation , afrl , air force research laboratory ,,
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PPT - Developing Food Defense Plans PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID:802382
PPT – Developing Food Defense Plans PowerPoint Presentation, free download – ID:802382

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Food Defense | FDA

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Food Defense | FDA Food Defense is the effort to protect food from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering. FDA has a leading role in a number of Food … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Food Defense | FDA Food Defense is the effort to protect food from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering. FDA has a leading role in a number of Food … FDA works to reduce the risk of criminal or terrorist actions on the food supply.
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formation food defense ppt

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about formation food defense ppt FORMATION, VEILLE REGLEMENTAIRE, ACCOMPAGNEMENT, AUDIT INTERNE en Agroalimentaire. Principe du Plan interne Food Defense. 1. Déterminer la politique Food … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for formation food defense ppt FORMATION, VEILLE REGLEMENTAIRE, ACCOMPAGNEMENT, AUDIT INTERNE en Agroalimentaire. Principe du Plan interne Food Defense. 1. Déterminer la politique Food …
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formation food defense ppt
formation food defense ppt

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Intentional Adulteration | Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) | Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) | Illinois Institute of Technology

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Intentional Adulteration | Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) | Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) | Illinois Institute of Technology Training and Materials FSPCA BookstoreFSPCA IA Training Cheat Sheet FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for the IA Rule (English)FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Intentional Adulteration | Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) | Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) | Illinois Institute of Technology Training and Materials FSPCA BookstoreFSPCA IA Training Cheat Sheet FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for the IA Rule (English)FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for … Training and Materials FSPCA BookstoreFSPCA IA Training Cheat Sheet FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for the IA Rule (English)FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for the IA Rule (Spanish) FSPCA IA Rule Overview FSPCA IA Key Activity Types Course FSPCA IA Identification and Explanation of Mitigation Strategies Course FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments Course FSPCA IA Conducting
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Training and Materials


Intentional Adulteration | Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) | Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) | Illinois Institute of Technology
Intentional Adulteration | Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) | Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) | Illinois Institute of Technology

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PPT – FOOD DEFENSE AWARENESS PowerPoint presentation | free to view – id: 4d631-YTkzZ

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about PPT – FOOD DEFENSE AWARENESS PowerPoint presentation | free to view – id: 4d631-YTkzZ Anyone who handles food, steps onto the production floor while food is being … After watching the DVD, front line food industry employees should be able … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for PPT – FOOD DEFENSE AWARENESS PowerPoint presentation | free to view – id: 4d631-YTkzZ Anyone who handles food, steps onto the production floor while food is being … After watching the DVD, front line food industry employees should be able … food, handling, ppt, powerpoint, presentation, slideshow, slide show, freeAnyone who handles food, steps onto the production floor while food is being … After watching the DVD, front line food industry employees should be able to: … – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on – id: 4d631-YTkzZ
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PPT – FOOD DEFENSE AWARENESS PowerPoint presentation | free to view  - id: 4d631-YTkzZ
PPT – FOOD DEFENSE AWARENESS PowerPoint presentation | free to view – id: 4d631-YTkzZ

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Developing Food Defense Plans

Objectives. By the end of this workshop, you will be able toDefine food defenseUnderstand why food defense is importantDevelop your own food defense plan . 2. What Is Food Defense?. Food defense is not food safety.Food safety addresses predictable and unintentional risks. Food safety is best ad

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Food Defense – . in a swine production setting. courtesy of food technology magazine, from “defending the food

Food Defense – . in a beef production setting. courtesy of food technology magazine, from “defending the food

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1. 1 Developing Food Defense Plans Presented by Cathy Crawford HACCP Consulting Group, LLC For FSIS �How To Workshops� Spring 2009

2. Objectives By the end of this workshop, you will be able to Define food defense Understand why food defense is important Develop your own food defense plan 2

3. What Is Food Defense? Food defense is not food safety. Food safety addresses predictable and unintentional risks. Food safety is best addressed through HACCP. Food defense addresses intentional attacks on the safety or quality of food. It is not well suited to HACCP. 3

4. Why Be Concerned? Intentional contamination has happened and can happen again. Oranges with mercury � Israel, 1978 Salad bars with Salmonella � Oregon, 1984 Cookies with needles, St. Louis, 1984 Fast food with rat poison, China, 2002 Ground beef with nicotine � Michigan, 2003 4

5. Why Be Concerned? 1994: A tanker was accidentally contaminated resulting in an estimated 224,000 illnesses. 2009: What if it wasn�t accidental? What if it was a tanker of oil for frying meat/poultry? 5

6. Who Would Do This? Terrorists or Activists Competitors Disgruntled employees 6

7. Why? Anger over national, business, or personal differences Seeking changes in culture Seeking economic disruption Seeking public fear Seeking harm to others 7

8. Why Me? Factors that increase risk: Making large batches of food Foods with short shelf lives Uniformly mixed products Products that reach key populations Ease of access 8

9. Imagine�What If? People are ill, injured, or even dying. Your company name and product are involved. A recall is initiated. Production is halted�jobs lost. Financial losses occur locally and even nationally. You are asked, �What did you do to prevent this?� 9

10. FSIS Survey Findings: Percentage of Plants with Food Defense Plans August 2006: 27% of establishments have plan November 2007: 31% of establishments have plan August 2008: 41% of establishments have plan FSIS goal: 90% of establishments have food defense plan 10

11. 11 Why Write a Plan? Writing it down will improve it. Insurance companies and audits request a plan.

12. Objectives Review Defining Food Defense Understanding why it matters Develop a Plan 12

13. How to Develop a Plan? Conduct a self assessment. Know where you are today. Plan to stay as good or become better. Compare to where you could/should be tomorrow or next year. Find vulnerabilities. Plan and prioritize a way to improve. Implement and update the plan. 13

14. Discussion Question What obstacles have you encountered when creating or improving your food defense plan? 14

15. Conduct an Assessment Developing a Food Defense Plan for Meat and Poultry Slaughter and Processing Plants (June 2008) FSIS check list (Dec. 2007) FDA Food Defense Self Assessment Tool for Food Producers, Processors, and Transporters 15

16. Conduct an Assessment (con�t) Choose one or more checklists. Consider any other areas of potential risks and vulnerabilities. Record what is already being done or partially done. 16

17. Areas to Consider: Food Defense Management Do you have a food defense plan? Is someone responsible? Do you have related necessary plans, such as product withdraw or recall and personnel emergency or evacuation procedures? 17

18. Areas to Consider: Outside Defense Measures Do you keep doors closed? Do you have a fence? Is there adequate lighting? Do you control access by people and vehicles? 18

19. Areas to Consider: Inside Defense Measures Do you use surveillance? Do you have alert systems? Do you control access? Do you take inventory? 19

20. Areas to Consider: Slaughter/Processing Measures Are animals or batches or product exposed to tampering? Are areas or equipment left unobserved? Will employees report unusual situations? 20

21. Areas to Consider: Storage Is access limited? Is inventory maintained? Can the impact of an attack be minimized? 21

22. Areas to Consider: Shipping and Receiving Are trailers sealed? Are drivers identified and deliveries scheduled? Are all vendors selected thoughtfully? Are returned goods examined closely? 22

23. Areas to Consider: Water, Ice, and Ingredients Are water lines secure? Is ice-making equipment protected? Are all bulk ingredients protected when not in use? 23

24. Areas to Consider: Mail Is mail opened away from other areas? Are procedures understood for handling suspect mail? 24

25. Areas to Consider: Personnel Are background checks completed? Are personnel supervised? Are employees trained? Are lockers inspected? Are cameras allowed? 25

26. Plan Now that you know where you are, plan to remain at least as good as you are today. If you don�t follow up, the plan may not be happening as you expect. Document what you have learned. 26

27. Compare Compare where you are to where you could or should be. Review what you have not done. Any NO answer on the checklist may be a vulnerability. Consider any other vulnerabilities not addressed. Document what is not as good as it could be. 27

28. Plan Again With over 120 suggested measures and a list of potential vulnerabilities�where do you start? Decisions should be supportable. Actions must be based on a risk analysis. A method is needed to know�which measures might matter most? 28

29. Discussion Question Of the areas discussed, which one is most important? Management Outside Security Inside Security Slaughter/Processing Storage Shipping/Receiving Water, Ice, Ingredients Mail Personnel 29

30. 30 Factors of an Attractive Target The CARVER + Shock method�an assessment tool to identify areas of high risk.

31. CARVER + SHOCK METHOD A series of questions addresses each area and leads to calculated risk factors. This can lead to a functional food defense plan by combining the checklist (a �to-do� list) and the risk factors (a way to prioritize the list). Simple�right? 31

32. CARVER + SHOCK METHOD (con�t) C�Criticality A�Accessibility R�Recuperability V�Vulnerability E�Effect R�Recognizability + SHOCK 32

33. C�Criticality How serious are the public health and economic impacts of an attack at this point? Number of lives lost Number of dollars lost or spent 33

34. A�Accessibility How easily can an attacker learn about and reach the target? Information availability Physical or human barriers 34

35. R�Recuperability How long would it take to overcome the damage? Physical and economic damage Psychological damage 35

36. V�Vulnerability How easily could an attack achieve the desired effect? 36

37. E�Effect What percentage of your productivity would be damaged? One line or one plant One product or all products One customer or a group of customers 37

38. R�Recognizability How easily can a target be found and attacked? 38

39. SHOCK How deeply would an attack impact people? Employees/community/nation Symbolism/history 39

40. Discussion Question What advantages and disadvantages do you see with the CARVER method? 40

41. 41 CARVER + SHOCK Guidance The CARVER + Shock Primer

42. Using the CARVER + SHOCK Software Step 1: Download FREE software: Step 2: Insert your process flow chart. Step 3: Answer about 50 questions per step. 42

43. Too Many Questions! Answer 120 checklist questions? Answer 50 questions per step in your process flow? Document and respond to all this? There�s an easier way � 43

44. Combine Methods and Prioritize Risk Not all CARVER questions are applicable to you. Use the questions best suited to your process. Prioritize with a simple, logical format. Write your plan. Ready? 44

45. Blank Sample Plan�Individual Exercise Review and complete as much as possible of the introduction and prevention sections of the Blank Sample Plan. (pages 1�13) The left-hand columns in the tables indicate the status of suggested food defense measures: X indicates an item is not applicable to your facility. ? indicates a measure is implemented at your facility. I indicates either incomplete or not implemented. These items will be further considered in a risk analysis worksheet. 45

46. Food Defense Risk Worksheet�Group Exercise Select one or two defense areas per group Discuss those defense measures and rate the potential impact on improving prevention On the worksheet, list the items you marked with an �I� in your Blank Sample Plan Determine the score for each item based on impact and status 46

47. Food Defense Risk Worksheet�Group Exercise Determine the score for each item based on impact and status Is the potential impact minor (1), significant (5), or major (10)? Enter: 1, 5,or 10 Is this complete (1), partially complete (5), or not started (10)? Enter: 1 , 5, or 10 Score: Multiply the 2 scores and enter the result. 47

48. Food Defense Plan Prevention Group Discussion Each group will summarize their findings. What were the most common items not yet implemented? Of these, which were determined to be most important? 48

49. Agency Response�FSIS Directive Series 5420.1�5420.8 During elevated threat levels (yellow, orange, red), defense verification procedures must be followed. Results are documented: A�acceptable, or S�indicating a concern but no evidence of adulteration, or T�there is evidence of adulteration and issue an NR Plant should respond to the memorandum of interview (MOI). 49

50. Agency Response�FSIS Directive 5500.2�5500.4 Defines how communication is ensured for non-routine incident Defines how to secure intentionally adulterated product and how to oversee disposal/decontamination activities Establishes how Incident Investigation Teams can be formed and used 50

51. Agency Response�FSIS Directive 8080.1 Provides instruction for recalling meat and poultry products 51

52. Company Response Communication is the key to all crisis management programs. Update contact lists and keep them with you. Ensure safety of personnel and consumers. Stop all activity that might increase damage. Prepare for external communication to dispel fear and increase confidence for recovery. 52

53. Blank Sample Plan�Individual Exercise Review and complete as much as possible of the incident response sections of the Blank Sample Plan. (pages 14�17) The left-hand columns in the tables indicate the status of suggested food defense measures: X indicates an item is not applicable to your facility. ? indicates a measure is implemented at your facility. I indicates either incomplete or not implemented. These items will be further considered in a risk analysis worksheet. 53

54. The Food Defense Risk Worksheet�Group Exercise Select one or two incident response areas per group Discuss those defense measures and rate the potential impact on improving prevention On the worksheet, list the items you marked with an �I� in your Blank Sample Plan Determine the score for each item based on impact and status 54

55. 55 Food Defense Plan Prevention Group Discussion Each group will summarize their findings. What were the most common items not yet implemented? Of these, which were determined to be most important?

56. 56 Recommendations Finish the Plan Implement the Plan Reassess Annually


58. 58 Resources FSIS checklist (December 2007): FSIS primer: Federal anti-tampering law: USDA Guidance:

59. Resources (con�t) Podcasts: Food Defense Plan worksheet: Free online course hosted by FDA: 59

Food Defense

Food Defense is the effort to protect food from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering.

FDA has a leading role in a number of Food Defense Initiatives to protect food from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering and to assist facilities to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from acts of intentional adulteration of the food supply. In addition, FDA has developed several Food Defense Tools, Food Defense trainings, and educational resources to further assist in these efforts.

Food Defense Guidance & Regulations

FDA issued the final rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (IA Rule) with requirements for covered facilities to prepare and implement food defense plans.

FDA has issued draft guidance related to the IA Rule Requirements

Additional Guidance and Regulatory Information

Food Defense Outreach and Support

The Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA), Intentional Adulteration Subcommittee – A broad-based public-private alliance of key industry, academia and government stakeholders to assist the food industry in complying with the IA rule and to have a more in-depth understanding of those requirements.

Conversations with Food Defense Experts – A Conversation with FDA’s Ryan Newkirk and Jon Woody on the IA rule and what the FDA is doing to support industry compliance.

FDA’s Commissioner BLOG – FDA and the food industry are committed to the overarching goal of protecting consumers from these and other risks. We’re Committed to Guarding Against the Intentional Adulteration of Food.

Routine Inspections to begin – Inspections of Small Businesses under the FSMA Intentional Adulteration Rule.

Public Meeting – FDA held public meeting to discuss the draft guidance issued to support compliance and implementation of FSMA Intentional Adulteration rule.

Related Resources/Information from FDA

Related Resources/Information from Other Federal Government Agencies

Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH)

Training and Materials

FSPCA Bookstore

FSPCA IA Training Cheat Sheet

FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for the IA Rule (English)

FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for the IA Rule (Spanish)

FSPCA IA Rule Overview

FSPCA IA Key Activity Types Course

FSPCA IA Identification and Explanation of Mitigation Strategies Course

FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments Course

FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments Participant Manual v1.0 (English)

FSPCA IA Vulnerability Assessment Lead Instructor Course

FSPCA IA Vulnerability Assessment Lead Instructor Combination Course (Participant Course PLUS Lead Instructor Course)

FSPCA IA Vulnerability Assessment Lead Instructor Criteria and Online Application

FSPCA IA Food Defense Plan Preparation and Reanalysis Course

FSPCA IA Online Course PDFs

FSPCA Food Defense Awareness for the IA Rule

Course Description

The FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act rule: Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121) (IA Rule) requires that covered facilities develop and implement a food defense plan that protects the facility’s most vulnerable points from acts of intentional adulteration intended to cause wide scale public health harm. The points in a facilities operation that have these significant vulnerabilities are called “actionable process steps”. According the IA rule, individuals assigned to work at actionable process steps and their supervisors, are required to receive training in food defense awareness (21 CFR 121.4(b)(2)). This “Food Defense Awareness for the Intentional Adulteration Rule” is designed specifically for those individuals and will meet the food defense awareness training requirement within the IA rule. It is important to note that the training requirement in the IA rule is flexible, and individuals may choose this training or a similar food defense awareness training to satisfy this requirement.

This curriculum was developed in partnership with the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA), Intentional Adulteration Subcommittee (IA Subcommittee). Development was assisted by the International Food Protection Training Institute with funding from the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided by the FSPCA is for training purposes only and does not create binding obligations for FDA or industry. This course is intended as a training tool to assist companies in complying with the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act rule: Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121) (IA Rule); however, taking this training does not ensure compliance with the law or FDA’s regulation.

Delivery Format: Online course

Online course Estimated Seat Time: 20-30 minutes. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course.

20-30 minutes. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course. Certificate: An FSPCA Certificate of Completion is issued at the end of the course that you must print off immediately. This is the only time the certificate is available to be printed (no record is retained). If you need a replacement certificate, you will need to complete the course again.

An FSPCA Certificate of Completion is issued at the end of the course that you must print off immediately. If you need a replacement certificate, you will need to complete the course again. Cost: Free

Download the FSPCA Food Defense Awareness Course Information Packet for full details on the course, access the course and how to print your certificate.

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Descripción del curso

El acta de la Ley de Modernización en Inocuidad de los Alimentos de la FDA: Estrategias de mitigación para proteger los alimentos contra la adulteración intencional (21 CFR Parte 121) (Regla IA) requiere que las instalaciones cerradas desarrollen e implementen un plan de defensa alimentaria que proteja los puntos más vulnerables de la instalación contra actos de adulteración intencional encaminados a causar daños a la salud pública a gran escala. Los puntos en la operación de una instalación que tienen estas vulnerabilidades significativas se denominan “etapas del proceso accionables”. De acuerdo con la regla de IA, las personas asignadas para trabajar en las etapas del proceso accionables y sus supervisores deben recibir capacitación en concientización en defensa alimentaria (21 CFR 121.4 (b) (2)). Esta “Concientización en defensa alimentaria para la regla de adulteración intencional – español” está diseñada específicamente para esas personas y cumplirá con el requisito de capacitación de concientización sobre defensa alimentaria dentro de la regla de adulteración intencional. Es importante tener en cuenta que el requisito de capacitación en la regla de adulteración intencional es flexible, y las personas pueden elegir esta capacitación o una capacitación similar de concientización en defensa alimentaria para satisfacer este requisito.

Este curso fue desarrollado en asociación con la Alianza de Controles Preventivos de Inocuidad Alimentaria (FSPCA), Subcomité de Adulteración Intencional (Subcomité IA). El desarrollo contó con la asistencia del Instituto Internacional de Capacitación en Protección de los Alimentos con financiación de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos. La información proporcionada por la FSPCA es solo para fines de capacitación y no crea obligaciones vinculantes para la FDA o la industria. Este curso está diseñado como una herramienta de capacitación para ayudar a las empresas a cumplir con la regla de la Ley de Modernización en Inocuidad de los Alimentos de la FDA: Estrategias de mitigación para proteger los alimentos contra la adulteración intencional (21 CFR Parte 121) (Regla IA); sin embargo, tomar esta capacitación no garantiza el cumplimiento de la ley o la regulación de la FDA.

Formato del curso: Curso en linea

Curso en linea Tiempo estimado del curso: 20-30 minutos. Hay un tiempo de espera de inactividad de 4 horas, así que una vez iniciado, complete todo el curso.

20-30 minutos. Hay un tiempo de espera de inactividad de 4 horas, así que una vez iniciado, complete todo el curso. Certificado: Un Certificado de que ha completado el curso de FSPCA satisfactoriamente es otorgado al final del curso. Este debe imprimirse inmediatamente. Esta es la única vez que el certificado está disponible para ser impreso (no se guarda registro o copia del certificado). Si usted necesita un certificado de reemplazo, necesitará completar el curso otra vez.

Un Certificado de que ha completado el curso de FSPCA satisfactoriamente es otorgado al final del curso. Este debe imprimirse inmediatamente. Si usted necesita un certificado de reemplazo, necesitará completar el curso otra vez. Costo: Gratuito

Para detalles completos acerca del curso, acceso al curso y cómo imprimir su certificado, descargue el Paquete de información del curso en Español Concientización en defensa alimentaria de la FSPCA

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Course Description

This training will provide stakeholders with more information about the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121) (IA Rule). The purpose of the IA Rule is to protect food from intentional acts of adulteration where there is an intent to cause wide scale public health harm. The final rule establishes various food defense measures that an owner, operator, or agent in charge of a facility is required to implement to protect against the intentional adulteration of food. While this training course is optional and not required for compliance with the IA Rule, the information within this training will assist food facilities that are required to comply with the IA Rule, and other stakeholders, to have a more in-depth understanding of the requirements in the IA Rule.

Delivery Format : Online course

: Online course Estimated Seat Time : 25-35 minutes. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course.

: 25-35 minutes. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course. Certificate : No certificate is provided for this course because the FSPCA Overview of the IA Rule course does not fulfill a regulatory requirement. No records are retained for your completion of this course.

: No certificate is provided for this course because the FSPCA Overview of the IA Rule course does not fulfill a regulatory requirement. No records are retained for your completion of this course. Cost: Free

Download the FSPCA Overview of the IA Rule Course Information Packet for full details on the course, directions on how to access the course and who to contact for support.

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FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments using Key Activity Types

Description: The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121) (IA Rule) regulation is intended to protect food from intentional acts of adulteration where there is an intent to cause wide scale public health harm. The regulation requires covered facilities to conduct a vulnerability assessment (VA) to identify actionable process steps (21 CFR 121.130). The regulation further requires that individuals conducting or overseeing the conduct of a VA “have successfully completed training for the specific function at least equivalent to that received under a standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by FDA or be otherwise qualified through job experience to conduct the activities” (21 CFR 121.4(c)(2)). This training developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet this training requirement.

This training course is targeted towards food professionals using FDA’s Key Activity Type (KAT) method to conduct their facility’s vulnerability assessment (VA). By successfully completing this course, the learner will have satisfied the training requirement to conduct a VA using the KAT method.

Please note that this course satisfies the training requirement to conduct a VA using the KAT method ONLY. Any deviation from the KAT method described in this course will necessitate that the individual take a vulnerability assessment training recognized as adequate by the FDA, or be otherwise qualified through job experience to conduct a VA using another VA methodology.


You have six months to complete the course after you enroll, otherwise your enrollment will expire, and you will need to re-enroll and pay the enrollment fee.

You must pass the 10-question final assessment at the end of the course with a score of 80%

or higher. If you do not pass after 3 attempts, you will need to contact [email protected],

pay the enrollment fee again, and start over.

or higher. If you do not pass after 3 attempts, you will need to contact [email protected], pay the enrollment fee again, and start over. If you click too quickly through the course, the screen may freeze, and you will have to restart the course where you left off.

Delivery Format: Online course

Online course Estimated Seat Time: 45-62 minutes. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course.

45-62 minutes. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course. Certificate: An FSPCA Certificate of Training is issued at the end of the course. The certificate will remain in your transcripts of the Learning Management System (LMS). If you need a replacement certificate, you will be able to login to the LMS and print the certificate at any time.

An FSPCA Certificate of Training is issued at the end of the course. The certificate will remain in your transcripts of the Learning Management System (LMS). If you need a replacement certificate, you will be able to login to the LMS and print the certificate at any time. Cost: $169.00 USD per user (effective 1/1/2022)

$169.00 USD per user (effective 1/1/2022) Recommendation: If you plan to take the 1-day, in-person FSPCA IA Vulnerability Assessments course (coming soon), while not required, it is STRONGLY recommended that you complete this FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments using Key Activity Types course before attending the in-person FSPCA IA Vulnerability Assessments course.

Download the FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments using Key Activity Types Information Packet for full details on the course, directions on how to access the course and who to contact for support.

Enroll in THE COURSE

FSPCA IA Identification and Explanation of Mitigation Strategies

Description: The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121) (IA Rule) regulation is intended to protect food from intentional acts of adulteration where there is an intent to cause wide scale public health harm. The regulation requires covered facilities to identify and implement mitigation strategies at actionable process steps identified by a vulnerability assessment (21 CFR 121.135). The regulation further requires that individuals identifying and explaining the mitigation strategies “have successfully completed training for the specific function at least equivalent to that received under a standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by FDA or be otherwise qualified through job experience to conduct the activities” (21 CFR 121.4(c)(2)). This training developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet this training requirement.


You have six months to complete the course after you enroll, otherwise your enrollment will expire, and you will need to re-enroll and pay the enrollment fee.

You must pass the 10-question final assessment at the end of the course with a score of 80% or higher. If you do not pass after 3 attempts, you will need to contact [email protected], pay the enrollment fee again, and start over.

If you click too quickly through the course, the screen may freeze, and you will have to restart the course where you left off.

Delivery Format: Online course

Online course Estimated Seat Time: 2.5-3 hours. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course.

2.5-3 hours. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire course. Certificate: An FSPCA Certificate of Training is issued at the end of the course. The certificate will remain in your transcripts of the Learning Management System (LMS). If you need a replacement certificate, you will be able to login to the LMS and print the certificate at any time.

An FSPCA Certificate of Training is issued at the end of the course. The certificate will remain in your transcripts of the Learning Management System (LMS). If you need a replacement certificate, you will be able to login to the LMS and print the certificate at any time. Cost: $179.00 USD per user (effective 1/1/2022)

Download the FSPCA IA Identification and Explanation of Mitigation Strategies Information Packet with complete details about the course, instructions to access to the course and how to print/save the FSPCA certificate of completion.

Enroll in the Course


Description: This course will provide participants with the knowledge to implement the requirements of conducting a vulnerability assessment under the Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (IA) regulation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This regulation is one of a number of regulations and guidance that implement the provisions of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which focuses on safe food practices.

The Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration regulation (referred to as the IA rule) is aimed at preventing intentional adulteration from acts intended to cause wide-scale harm to public health, including acts of terrorism targeting the food supply. The regulation requires that certain activities must be completed by a “food defense qualified individual” who has successfully completed training in the conduct of a vulnerability assessment. This course developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a “food defense qualified individual” responsible for conducting a vulnerability assessment.

These courses are taught by Lead Instructors trained by the FSPCA, who have been instructed in how to teach the FDA-recognized standardized curriculum.

The IA rule does not specify a particular method that you must use to conduct your vulnerability assessment. Two potential methods that can be used are the Key Activity Type (KAT) and/or the Three Fundamental Elements methods. If you conduct your vulnerability assessment using the KAT method with no modifications, you should consider completing the FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments Using Key Activity Types course and may not need the training provided in this course. However, if you use any modifications to the KAT method or plan to use the Three Fundamental Elements method, then this course would provide valuable insights.

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Description: This course provides the participant the knowledge and tools needed to perform the duties of a Lead Instructor for the standardized training curriculum that FDA considers adequate in meeting the requirements for training of a “food defense qualified individual” for conducting a vulnerability assessment under the IA rule.

The course content is focused on strategies to aid in the effective instruction of the food defense activities and documentation that support conducting a vulnerability assessment using the three fundamental elements outlined in the IA rule. Administrative tasks for issuing Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance certificates is also covered as well as a refresher on effective presentation for the adult learner.

On Day 3 there is a Practicum “teach back” where each person will be asked to present a lesson from the curriculum (in English) to demonstrate your instructor skills and understanding of the FSPCA training materials. Failure to demonstrate instructor skills and an understanding of FSPCA training materials through participation in exercises, questions asked, and teach back observations may result in you not receiving your Lead Instructor certificate.

Upon successful completion of the full, 3-day FSPCA Intentional Adulteration Vulnerability Assessment Combination Course, you will be qualified to be a Vulnerability Assessment Lead Instructor by the FSPCA. The Conducting Vulnerability Assessments participant course within this combination course is the standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by FDA for the qualified individual responsible for conducting vulnerability assessments. Completing this training allows you to deliver the Conducting Vulnerability Assessments course as a Lead Instructor. You will receive email notification upon completion of the course with instructions on how to download the Vulnerability Assessment Lead Instructor FSPCA certificate of completion. You will also receive a FSPCA certificate of completion for the Conducting Vulnerability Assessments participant course.



Description: This course combines the FSPCA IA Conducting Vulnerability Assessments participant course with the FSPCA IA Vulnerability Assessment Lead Instructor course. Detailed course descriptions above.


The information provided by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) is for training purposes only. The FSPCA is not your attorney and cannot provide you with legal advice. The FSPCA curriculum is intended as a training tool to assist companies in complying with the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) intentional adulteration regulation; however, following this curriculum does not ensure compliance with the law or FDA’s regulations. For advice regarding the legal compliance with FSMA, please consult your legal counsel.

The information provided by the FSPCA will vary in applicability to each food manufacturer. It is not possible for the FSPCA training curriculum to address every situation. Companies should implement practices and programs that are appropriate to their individual operations. FSPCA materials do not outline the only approach to developing and implementing a Food Defense Plan. Companies can follow any approach that satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations related to FSMA. The information provided by FSPCA does not create binding obligations for the Food and Drug Administration or industry.

FSPCA does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information provided in its curriculum and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for any results obtained from the use of such information. FSPCA gives no express or implied warranties, including but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. In no event shall FSPCA be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with any use of this training curriculum.

FSPCA IA Food Defense Plan Preparation and Reanalysis

Description: The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121) (IA Rule) regulation is intended to protect food from intentional acts of adulteration where there is an intent to cause wide scale public health harm. The regulation requires covered facilities to prepare, or have prepared, and implement a written food defense plan (21 CFR 121.126) and conduct a reanalysis of the food defense plan (21 CFR 121.157). The regulation further requires that individuals preparing the food defense plan and performing reanalysis “have successfully completed training for the specific function at least equivalent to that received under a standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by FDA or be otherwise qualified through job experience to conduct the activities” (21 CFR 121.4(c)(2)). This training developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet this training requirement. Although this training contains some information about incorporating vulnerability assessments and mitigation strategies into a food defense plan, this training is not intended to be the standardized curriculum for food defense qualified individuals responsible for conducting a vulnerability assessment or identifying and explaining mitigation strategies. Please see other applicable FSPCA IA courses on the FSPCA website.


You have six months to complete the course after you enroll, otherwise your enrollment will expire, and you will need to re-enroll and pay the enrollment fee.

You must pass the 10-question final assessment at the end of the course with a score of 80% or higher. If you do not pass after 3 attempts, you will need to contact [email protected], pay the enrollment fee again, and start over.

If you click too quickly through the course, the screen may freeze, and you will have to restart the course where you left off.

A few of the course pages have images of diagrams and example forms with very little text. You will want to be sure to listen to the audio for the information related to these pages.

Delivery Format: Online course

Online course Estimated Seat Time: 2-3 hours. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire module.

2-3 hours. There is a 4-hour inactivity time-out, so once started, complete the entire module. Certificate: An FSPCA Certificate of Training is issued at the end of the course. The certificate will remain in your transcripts of the Learning Management System (LMS). If you need a replacement certificate, you will be able to login to the LMS and print the certificate at any time.

An FSPCA Certificate of Training is issued at the end of the course. The certificate will remain in your transcripts of the Learning Management System (LMS). If you need a replacement certificate, you will be able to login to the LMS and print the certificate at any time. Cost: $109.00 USD per user (effective 1/1/2022)

Download the FSPCA IA Food Defense Plan Preparation and Reanalysis Course Information Packet for full details on the course, directions on how to access the course and who to contact for support.

Enroll in THE COURSE

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