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[Grammar]:한테/한테서(From/To Someone) | The Korean Resolution
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- Summary of article content: Articles about [Grammar]:한테/한테서(From/To Someone) | The Korean Resolution Finally, we’re moving on from conjunctions! In an earlier post, we looked at how to say “from / to” for locations and time: From / to a … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for [Grammar]:한테/한테서(From/To Someone) | The Korean Resolution Finally, we’re moving on from conjunctions! In an earlier post, we looked at how to say “from / to” for locations and time: From / to a … Finally, we’re moving on from conjunctions! In an earlier post, we looked at how to say “from / to” for locations and time: From / to a location: A-에서 B-까지 From / to a certain time: A-부터 B-까지 Today, we’re going learn the particle for ‘from / to’ someone (can also be used for animals):…
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한국어 배우기 사용법
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- Summary of article content: Articles about 한국어 배우기 사용법 The difference between 한테 and 한테서 is the same as the difference between 에 and 에서; the former means “to” (in the case of 한테 it is … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 한국어 배우기 사용법 The difference between 한테 and 한테서 is the same as the difference between 에 and 에서; the former means “to” (in the case of 한테 it is … Anonymous said: Can you explain how to use 한테 and 한테서 please? 감사합니다 😊 Answer: Hi! Sorry for the late reply~ (I’ll update on stuff later) The difference between 한테 and 한테서 is the same as the difference…korean,study korean,learn korean,hangul,korean words
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To And From Someone 한테 / 한테서 – LearnKorean24
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- Summary of article content: Articles about To And From Someone 한테 / 한테서 – LearnKorean24 친구한테서 생일 선물을 받았어요. The teacher teaches English to the students. 선생님이 학생들한테 영어를 가르쳐요. …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for To And From Someone 한테 / 한테서 – LearnKorean24 친구한테서 생일 선물을 받았어요. The teacher teaches English to the students. 선생님이 학생들한테 영어를 가르쳐요. In this lesson, you will learn how 한테 / 한테서 to say ‘to/from (someone)’. In English, you might say “I gave a gift to my girlfriend.” or “I received a gift from
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1 Noun + 한테
2 Noun + 한테서
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- Summary of article content: Articles about 국립국어원 [답변]한테/한테서 · 안녕하십니까? · ‘한테서’는 ‘어떤 행동을 일으키는 대상임을 나타내는 격조사’이고, ‘한테’는 ‘한테서’와 같은 의미도 있고, ‘일정하게 제한된 범위를 … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 국립국어원 [답변]한테/한테서 · 안녕하십니까? · ‘한테서’는 ‘어떤 행동을 일으키는 대상임을 나타내는 격조사’이고, ‘한테’는 ‘한테서’와 같은 의미도 있고, ‘일정하게 제한된 범위를 … 이곳은 어문 규범, 어법, 표준국어대사전 내용 등에 대하여 문의하는 곳입니다. 1. 법률 및 규정의 해석, 시험 문제의 정답 판정 등 소관 기관 의 해석이 필요한 사안은 답변해 드리기 어려우니 양해해 주시기 바랍니다. 2. 질문에 대한 답변은 휴일을 제외하고 다음 날까지 완료되며, 상황에 따라 조금 늦어질 수도 있습니다. 3. 저속한 표현, 타인에 대한 명예 훼손, 불건전한 내용, 기타 게시판의 성격에 맞지 않는 내용을 담은 글은 이용자의 편의를 위하여 예고 없이 삭제될 수 있습니다. 4. 게시판이 건전하게 운영될 수 있도록 아래에 적은 내용을 참고하여 글을 쓰시기 바랍니다. 가. 특정인을 비방하는 글이나 근거 없는 내용을 담은 글은 삭제될 수 있습니다. 나. 여러분이 기재하신 사항은 다른 사람들이 조회 또는 열람할 수도 있으니 개인 정보가 게시되지 않도록 주의하여 주시기 바랍니다. 다. 이곳은 어문 규범 등에 대해 문의하는 곳입니다. 문의가 아닌 의견 개진에 대해서는 답을 드리지 않습니다. 5. 자주 묻는 질문은 상담사례모음(바로가기)을 이용하시면 더 쉽고 빠르게 답변을 보실 수 있습니다. ※ ‘온라인 가나다’는 최근 2년 내 자료를 공개합니다.
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‘한테’와 ‘한테서’ 질문입니다
[답변]한테한테서See more articles in the same category here: 995+ tips for you.
[Grammar]:한테/한테서(From/To Someone)
Finally, we’re moving on from conjunctions!
In an earlier post, we looked at how to say “from / to” for locations and time:
From / to a location : A-에서 B-까지
: A-에서 B-까지 From / to a certain time : A-부터 B-까지
Today, we’re going learn the particle for ‘from / to’ someone (can also be used for animals):
-한테 (‘ to ‘ someone / ‘ from ‘ someone)
‘ someone / ‘ ‘ someone) -한테서 (‘ from ‘ someone)
한테 can mean both ‘to’ and ‘from’ someone, whereas 한테서 can only mean ‘from’ someone. To know whether 한테 means ‘to’ or ‘from’ would require some examination of context from the sentence:
누구한테 들었어요
Who did you hear it from? Sentence breakdown:
누구 = Who
한테= ‘From / to someone’ marker
들었어요 = Heard (past tense of 듣다) Thus, this sentence could only mean ‘who did you hear from’, since you can’t hear ‘to’.
Sample Sentences (Taken From TTMIK Level 2, Lesson 7)
Example 1: 저한테 (To me / From me)
Example 2: 친구한테 (To a friend / From a friend)
Example 3: 누구한테 (To whom / From whom)
Example 4: 누구한테서 (From whom)
Note: When -한테 is used with verbs that already express a passive voice (e.g. 맞다 – generally it means ‘to be correct’, but it can also mean ‘to be beaten / hit’), it can also mean ‘by’:
A한테 맞다
To be beaten by A
에게/한테 and 에게서/한테서
에게/한테 and 에게서/한테서 ➡에게, 한테, 께
에게 to (formal/writing)
is usually written (although it is still said in conversation very often)
*아버지는 아들에게 돈을 준다 The father gives money to his son
한테 to (colloquial/spoken)
is usually used in conversation
*나는 학생들한테 한국어를 가르쳤어 I taught Korean to the students
께 to (honorific)
is used when the person you are giving something to requires respect (께 is the honorific form of 에게/한테).
*저는 부장님께 그 사실을 말할 거예요 I will tell that (fact) to my boss
Note that just because you use ~께 doesn’t mean that your sentence needs to end in a polite way. ~께 is used when the person who is being given to is of high importance, regardless of who you are talking to. For example, if I was a teacher, talking to my student, talking about something being given TO the principal, I could say:
*나는 책을 교장선생님께 줬어 I gave the principal a book
Note: 에게, 한테, and 께 indicate that the preceding noun is the indirect object of the action. An indirect object is someone or something that you are doing something to, such as giving a gift to your friend. 에게 and 한테 are casual, however 한테 is used more in speech while 에게 is usually written. 께 is honorific and thus is used for people of higher status than the speaker. 께 does not entail that the verbs in the sentence necessarily need to be conjugated politely. The verb conjugation depends more on the status of who the speaker is speaking to, not who the indirect object is. Lastly, 에게, 한테, and 께 are used for people or animals, not for inanimate objects.
➡에게서, 한테서 and (으)로부터
means FROM someone.
it is used when somebody receives something from somebody.
attached to the person from whom one receives something.
NOTE: The “thing” that is being received doesn’t need to be something physical. It could be something abstract like stories, explanations, or other things.
에게서 & 한테서
attached to the living noun or sentient beings
에게서 used in formal situation
한테서 is more informal than 에게서
can be used in spoken and written
is most frequently used with 배우다, 듣다, 받다, and 빌리다
️NOTE: Cannot be used to indicate that you received something from a non-person.
non person examples are, company, government, agancies, etc..
에게서 and 한테서 have a similar meaning, but can only be used when one receives something from a person.
(으)로부터 can be used to indicate that one receives something from a person or non-person.
나는 내 여자친구에게서 편지를 받았어.
I received a letter from my girlfriend
선생님한테서 한국말을 배워요.
I learn Korean from my teacher.
bit more informal than 에게서
in short 에게서 is the higher form other than the honorific..
use for written
attach 으로부터 if word ends with consonant
attach 로부터 if word ends with vowel and ㄹ
For example:
나는 내 여자친구로부터 편지를 받았어
I received a letter from my girlfriend
(으)로부터 can also be used when receiving something from a non-person thing (a company/the government/etc).
For example:
나는 돈을 정부로부터 받았어
I received money from the government
To summarize..
(으)로부터 can be used to indicate that one receives something from a person or non-person.
에게서 and 한테서 have a similar meaning, but can only be used when one receives something from a person.
한국어 배우기 사용법
Hi! Sorry for the late reply~ (I’ll update on stuff later)
The difference between 한테 and 한테서 is the same as the difference between 에 and 에서; the former means “to” (in the case of 한테 it is “to” a person) and the latter means “from” (a person).
한테 and 에게 and 께 are synonyms in that they are used as meaning “to” a person. However, 한테 is slightly informal/usually spoken (colloquial), 에게 is more formal and usually written, and 께 is used when the person it is attached to is respected.
에 means “to” anything other than a person
한테서 and 에게서 “from” a person (한테 being colloquial)
(으)로부터 “from” a person or any nonperson
에서 “from” anything other than a person
(제가) 아는 언니는 저에게 한글을 가르쳤어요.
아는 언니는 저한테 한글을 가르쳤어요.
Both mean “An Unni taught (to) me Hangul”
저는 친구 할머니께 선물을 주었어요.
“I gave (to) my friend’s grandmother a present”
I use ~께 in this case to indicate respect to the grandmother.
학교에 가요.
“I go to school” using the nonperson attachment.
저는 아는 언니에게서 한글을 배웠어요.
저는 아는 언니 한테서 한글을 배웠어요.
저는 아는 언니로부터 한글을 배웠어요
All mean “I learned hangul from an unni”
And I can say
저는 한국어배우기 교과서로부터 한글을 배웠어요.
“I learned Hangul from a Korean study textbook.” As (으)로 부터 can be used with a nonperson as well
학교에서 왔어요.
“I came from school” using nonperson attachment.
I hope this was helpful :))
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