Top 25 치과 의사 영어 로 The 32 Correct Answer

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I want to be a dentist. ‘나는 치과의사가 되고 싶어요. ‘ He goes to the dentist’s for a check-up every six months.

야나두 대표강사 원예나 선생님. 드디어 만났습니다.
야나두 대표강사 원예나 선생님. 드디어 만났습니다.

dentist와 dental clinic 차이_치과 영어 표현 : 네이버 블로그

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dentist와 dental clinic 차이_치과 영어 표현 : 네이버 블로그
dentist와 dental clinic 차이_치과 영어 표현 : 네이버 블로그

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치과 의사 영어 로

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about 치과 의사 영어 로 치과의사를 영어로 덴티스트라고하잖아… ㅌㅋㅊㅍ(112.146); 2009.08.21 09:36. 조회수 1002; 추천 0; 댓글 6. 보통 의사들은 닥터라고하는데 치과의사는 덴티스트로 … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 치과 의사 영어 로 치과의사를 영어로 덴티스트라고하잖아… ㅌㅋㅊㅍ(112.146); 2009.08.21 09:36. 조회수 1002; 추천 0; 댓글 6. 보통 의사들은 닥터라고하는데 치과의사는 덴티스트로 …
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치과 의사 영어 로
치과 의사 영어 로

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치과 의사 영어 로

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about 치과 의사 영어 로 사전 항목과 같은 치과 의사 영어로 ; 일반 치과 의사 · General Dentist ; 치과 외과 의사 · Doctor Of Dental Surgery ; 치과 의사 사무실 · Dentist Office ; 허가 치과 … …
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치과 의사 영어 로
치과 의사 영어 로

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“The Dentist” 관련 영단어, 영어 표현 완벽 정리 – HappyDaddy English

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about “The Dentist” 관련 영단어, 영어 표현 완벽 정리 – HappyDaddy English Dentist (치과의사) · dentist’s office / dentist center (치과병원) · waing room · dentist’s chair · sunglasses · dental hyginenist · check-up · cleaning. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for “The Dentist” 관련 영단어, 영어 표현 완벽 정리 – HappyDaddy English Dentist (치과의사) · dentist’s office / dentist center (치과병원) · waing room · dentist’s chair · sunglasses · dental hyginenist · check-up · cleaning. “The Dentist(치과의사)”와 관련된 영단어와 영어 표현들을 모두 모아서 정리해보겠습니다. 주제와 관련된 영단어와 영어 표현을 한꺼번에 익힐 수 있으므로 많은 도움이 되실 겁니다. Dentist (치과의사) 의미 :..
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Dentist (치과의사)

dentist’s office dentist center (치과병원)

waing room

dentist’s chair


dental hyginenist










dentures false teeth



front teeth


wisdom teeth



dental floss


“The Dentist” 관련 영단어, 영어 표현 완벽 정리 – HappyDaddy English

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“The Dentist” 관련 영단어, 영어 표현 완벽 정리

“The Dentist(치과의사)”와 관련된 영단어와 영어 표현들을 모두 모아서 정리해보겠습니다. 주제와 관련된 영단어와 영어 표현을 한꺼번에 익힐 수 있으므로 많은 도움이 되실 겁니다.

Dentist (치과의사)

의미 : “someone whose job is to treat people’s teeth” (사람의 치아를 돌봐주는 사람 / 치과의사)

Dentist is obviously the person who takes care of our teeth when our teeth hurt or when we just need a cleaning or we need someone to examine our teeth. ( 치과의사는 우리가 치아가 아프거나, 치아를 청소할 필요할 때 혹은 치아를 검사할 때 치아를 돌봐주는 사람입니다.)

dentist’s office / dentist center (치과병원)

의미 : “치과병원”

치과병원은 우리들의 몸 다른 부위가 아플 때 방문하는 일반 병원과는 부르는 명칭이 다릅니다.

“denstit’s office”와 “dentist center” 둘 다 같은 의미로 사용이 가능합니다.

“I will phone the dentist.” 또는 “I will call the dentist.” -> 병원에 방문하기 전에 미리 전화를 해야 합니다.

“I will book an appoint.” 또는 “I will make an appoint.” -> 예약을 합니다.

They put my name on their calendar and they’ll say you can come in next Monday at 11 am. -> 병원에서는 일정표를 보고 예약을 해줍니다.

I show up on time. -> 병원에 도착합니다. 병원에 도착할 때 “arrive”라는 표현도 있지만 “show up(phrasal verb)”를 자주 사용하니 알고 계시면 도움이 됩니다.

waing room

의미 : 병원에 도착했을 때 “대기실”을 의미합니다.

I will be sitting in a waiting room.

It does have a table with megazines on it and it doe have some nice music playing in the background. The waiting room also has a television on the wall which is showing the news of the day.

dentist’s chair

의미 : 진료실 안에 “치료를 받는 의자”입니다.

I will sit in the dentist’s chair.

The dentist’s chair actually very comfortable looking chair and It will recline and tilt back.

I will be lying down in the chair ready for my examination at the very back.

The chair has a head rest so you put your head on the head rest.


의미 : “dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes when the sun is very bright” (선글라스)

There is a bright light that the dentist shines on your face and into your mouth and so they usually give you a pair of sunglasses to wear.

dental hyginenist

의미 : “someone who works with a dentist and cleans people’s teeth, or gives them advice about how to look after their teeth” (치과 위생사)

The dental hyginenist will look at your teeth will clean your teeth and then eventually the dentist will come and visit.


의미 : “a general medical examination that a doctor or dentist gives you to make sure you are healty”

Someone tatkes a look at your teeth to make sure everything is okay so we call thata a check-up.

I just need to book a check-up. -> 병원 예약 시 검진 목적으로 예약한다고 표현하고 싶을 때 사용하면 됩니다.


의미 : 우리나라에서 진료하는 스케일링과 같은 개념으로 보시면 됩니다.


의미 : “a pain in a tooth” (치통)


의미 : “a beam of radiation that can go through solid objects and is usedfor photographing the inside of the body” (엑스레이)

We do not get an X-ray of my teeth every time that we go to the dentist. The dentist do it every year or every two years.

An X-ray is something that they put little things in our mouth and then they take a picture of your teeth using X-rays.


의미 : “a hole or space inside something” (충치)

A cavity is a tooth decay and a spot on your tooth where the tooth is not healthy.


의미 : “치아 구멍을 메꿔주는 봉(=충전물)”

The dentist will remove the cavity so they’ll use like a drill. They will remove the cavity from the tooth and they will replace it with a filling.

The filling are made from some sort of softmetal that hardens in your tooth.


의미 : “a very thin, pointed steel tube at the end of a syringe, which is pushed into your skin to put a drug or medicine into your body or to take out blood” (주삿바늘)

Before you get a filling the dentist will probably give you a needle to numb your mouth or to freeze your mouth.


의미 : “a part of your body that in numb is unable to feel anything, for example because you are very cold” (adjective. 감각이 없는 / verb. 감각이 없게 만들다)


의미 : “your gums are the two areas fo firm pink flesh at the top and bottom of your mouth, in which your teeth are fixed” (잇몸, 치은)

Your gums are the skin around your teeth so the dentist will give you a needle. It will freeze that area of your mouth. It will make numb. Then we will feel no pain and then the dentist will start to work.

dentures / false teeth

의미 : “a set of artificial teeth worn by someone who does not have their own teeth any longer” ( 틀니, 의치)


의미 : “a system of metal wires that people, usually children, wear on their teeth to make them grow straight” (치아교정기)

If our teeth are very crooked, we might get braces as a teenager to straighten our teeth out.


의미 : “a chemical which is believed to help protect teeth against decay” (충치 방지 목적으로 사용하는 치약 불소)

Fluoride is a common thing that we use with teeth in toothpaste.

Fluoride helps prevent cavities.

Some towns have fluoride in their drinking water in Canada. Because it prevents people from getting cavities.

front teeth

의미 : “앞니”

When we are kid, our front teeth fall out at some point. It looks really funny.

When the kids lose their tooth, they will put it under thier pillow. And then the tooth fairy comes at night and puts money there and takes their tooth. But tooth fairy is actually their parents. This is the custom.


의미 : “one of the large teeth at the back of the mouth that used for breaking up food” (어금니)

wisdom teeth

의미 : “one of the four teeth at the back of your mouth that do not grow until you are an adult” (사랑니)

our wisdom teeth are molars at the very back of our mouth.

Wisdom teeth is one of the three molars per quadrant of the human dentition.


의미 : “a thick substance that you use to clean your teeth” (치약)


의미 : “a small brush that you use for cleaning your teeth” (칫솔)

dental floss

의미 : “thin strong string that you use for cleaning between your teeth” (치실)

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